Welcome to Police Foundation of Colorado Springs. The Police Foundation’s mission is to strengthen the services of the Colorado Springs Police Department, while promoting excellence in the department and improving public safety by providing resources not otherwise available from the City.
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
The good citizens of Colorado Springs and the Pikes Peak Region recognize the value of our police department. Police Foundation of Colorado Springs provides a tangible way to express that support. The board takes seriously its role in serving as a good steward of donated funds to support priorities established by our chief of police.
Since its creation in 2009, Police Foundation of Colorado Springs has promoted excellence within the department through the donation of over $1,000,000 in funds and resources. By providing resources not otherwise readily available from the city budget and other traditional sources, our foundation helps advance the cause of public safety and ensures that our officers and staff are properly recognized for their dedicated service.
The Foundation has demonstrated an ability to rapidly respond to needs of the department. Some examples include: purchase of a state-of-the-art Firearms Training Simulator; the purchase of rifle-rated ballistic vests for every CSPD officer, funding of leader development opportunities, and transportation support for the Victim Advocacy Unit. Additionally, the foundation supplies officers with life-saving Medical Trauma Kits. More than 1,400 of these kits have been issued to CSPD officers and the kits have been instrumental in saving the lives of both civilians and officers. Our signature function, the Medal of Valor event, is a moving tribute to our bravest and best.
There are few professions more demanding than policing. Police Foundation of Colorado Springs seeks to play a role in deepening relationships between the police department and the private sector with the ultimate goal of building a stronger and safer community.
Please join us. The philanthropic support of individuals and organizations can make a difference here.
George E. Reed, Ph.D. Chairman, Police Foundation of Colorado Springs
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
The good citizens of Colorado Springs and the Pikes Peak Region recognize the value of our police department. Police Foundation of Colorado Springs provides a tangible way to express that support. The board takes seriously its role in serving as a good steward of donated funds to support priorities established by our chief of police.
Since its creation in 2009, Police Foundation of Colorado Springs has promoted excellence within the department through the donation of over $1,000,000 in funds and resources. By providing resources not otherwise readily available from the city budget and other traditional sources, our foundation helps advance the cause of public safety and ensures that our officers and staff are properly recognized for their dedicated service.
The Foundation has demonstrated an ability to rapidly respond to needs of the department. Some examples include: purchase of a state-of-the-art Firearms Training Simulator; the purchase of rifle-rated ballistic vests for every CSPD officer, funding of leader development opportunities, and transportation support for the Victim Advocacy Unit. Additionally, the foundation supplies officers with life-saving Medical Trauma Kits. More than 1,400 of these kits have been issued to CSPD officers and the kits have been instrumental in saving the lives of both civilians and officers. Our signature function, the Medal of Valor event, is a moving tribute to our bravest and best.
There are few professions more demanding than policing. Police Foundation of Colorado Springs seeks to play a role in deepening relationships between the police department and the private sector with the ultimate goal of building a stronger and safer community.
Please join us. The philanthropic support of individuals and organizations can make a difference here.
George E. Reed, Ph.D. Chairman, Police Foundation of Colorado Springs